77: How to stay focused on what matters most in a busy world | 8 Great Ways to Make Money Without a Degree

Main topics – How to stay focused on what matters most in a busy world | 8 Great Ways to Make Money Without a Degree

Photo courtesy of Chase Elliott Clark.

Time Stamped Show Notes

  • [0:50] Proper values in the workplace drive workplace success: 1) Make sure your life values and your workplace values are a good match or you will be miserable. 2) Business success is derived from excellently serving others by removing their pain points. 3) God has left us on this planet to glorify Him by serving others excellently in His name, both in the workplace and outside of the workplace.
  • [6:07] How to stay focused on what matters most in a busy world: Life is so busy. How stay focused? Ask the question, “How can I bring the most value to others right now?” Helps to sort through the urgent matters that don’t have as much long-term impact.
  • [10:00] College isn’t for everyone. 8 great ways to make money w/out college degree (see link below to article and to Bureau of Labor Statistics publication)
  • [24:00] Don’t be afraid of the circuses: In May 2014, Admiral William H. McRaven, Commander, United States Special Operations Command, gave the commencement address at the University of Texas at Austin’s graduation ceremony. A Navy Seal for thirty-six years, Admiral McRaven taught the graduates ten lessons he learned from basic training. Here is one of the lessons: “Don’t be afraid of the circuses.” Lesson: We will fail; but we will overcome these failures as long as we rest on the promises of God.

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imgRobbie Romeiser is a commercial real estate broker, real estate instructor, and author of the daily devotional Today’s Quote From God (www.TodaysQuoteFromGod.com). Desiring to help his own children follow God’s calling in their lives, Robbie founded Career Callings (www.CareerCallings.net) to help people find, prepare for, and pursue the work God has called them to do. To have Robbie speak at your church, business, professional association, or civic club, please email Robbie at robbie@careercallings.net.
