Career Callings Radio: January 31, 2015

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Main topic(s):

  • Are you an entrepreneur?
  • Traits of successful entrepreneurs.

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From Robbie on the January 31, 2015 Career Callings Radio Show:

One thing I’ve witnessed that most, if not all, entrepreneurs have in common is the ability to spot an opportunity to fill a need that others have. Another thing that entrepreneurs have in common is the belief that they have the ability to fill that need that they see, and they realize that they have just as much right to make an impact on the world as the next guy.

Looking at entrepreneurship through the lens of the Christian Worldview, consider this: you have just as much right and ability to be used by God to make an impact on the world as the next guy. That is, of course, if He has given you the personality, skills, abilities, and passions to take on the risk of business creation. I don’t know, maybe He wants you to build a business for His glory that will fill some desperate need here on Earth. Only you and He can figure that out. But if He’s calling you to glorify His name through entrepreneurship, you just have to be obedient to the idea of letting Him use you, even if you don’t understand right now all the ways that He wants to use you.

Recommended Reading: 30 Lessons for Living


imgRobbie Romeiser is a commercial real estate broker, real estate instructor, and author of the daily devotional Today’s Quote From God ( Desiring to help his own children follow God’s calling in their lives, Robbie founded Career Callings ( to help people find, prepare for, and pursue the work God has called them to do. To have Robbie speak at your church, business, professional association, or civic club, please email Robbie at
