Career Callings Radio: October 5 | October 10, 2015

Main topic(s):

  • An interview with Bob Jones University President Steve Pettit and Bob Jones University Admissions Counselor Abby White.
  • Discovering and pursuing God’s career calling.
  • How Bob Jones University can help prepare you for your career calling.

Click here to listen now!

Steve Pettit’s Biography (from The Office of the BJU President):

Steve Pettit became the fifth president of BJU in May of 2014. An alumnus of BJU, Pettit previously served on the Board of Trustees.

He earned a BS in business administration from The Citadel in 1978 and a MAin pastoral studies from BJU Seminary in 1980.

Following his BJU graduation, both he and his wife, Terry, saw their calling in pastoral ministry and evangelism. For five years, Pettit served as youth pastor for First Baptist Church in Bridgeport, Michigan, before entering full-time evangelism.

In the following 29 years, the Pettits traveled year-round in evangelism, conducting more than 800 campaigns, crusades and camps throughout the United States and preaching in 21 countries.

Recommended Reading

imgRobbie Romeiser is a commercial real estate broker, real estate instructor, and author of the daily devotional Today’s Quote From God ( Desiring to help his own children follow God’s calling in their lives, Robbie founded Career Callings ( to help people find, prepare for, and pursue the work God has called them to do. To have Robbie speak at your church, business, professional association, or civic club, please email Robbie at
